Jesus won the victory!

Jan. 2016

The Lord showed me a vision of Jesus on the cross. He was breathing heavily and said slowly, “It…is….finished!” Then I saw him descend into the dark depths of hell. Satan was laughing, mocking and thinking he defeated Jesus.

Then Jesus began to shine with a bright light, displaying all of His glory. His light lit up the darkness of hell. Satan and the demons crouched down in fear, cowering and terrified of Jesus. His powerful light melted the faces of satan and his head demons, so they appeared burned and deformed. They shouted in terror and tried to hide.

Then Jesus snatched the keys of death from satan and satan crouched down in agony, whining. Jesus shined with glory light, lifting His hands in triumph!. A earthquake hit and shook the caverns of hell. Satan’s throne toppled over. The demons screamed in terror as they fell down into the cracks and caverns made by the earthquake.

Jesus smiled and marched up out of hell in victory. Behind him was a long parade of angels singing in victory, playing instruments, marching forward!

Jesus arrived in a beautiful, peaceful place full of trees and swaying grass. He stood there and smiled.

Suddenly people shouted, “Its the Messiah! He is here!” and they ran up to him full of joy and excitement!

A young, handsome man with tan skin and wavy brown hair came up to Jesus and it was Joseph. Jesus hugged him tenderly. Then Abraham came up, smiling. He gave them all a hug. Crowds ran to him and he embraced them in His love.

Then, they joined the victory parade and followed Him upward to heaven. Jesus defeated satan and arose in victory and we are risen with Him!

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